Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (2024)

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Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (1)Holy cow – I am having a baby in less than 7 weeks!

I took these Calzones to a friend of mine this evening who recently had a baby, and while I was there it hit me… I’m pregnant and I am going to have another kid in the house before I know it. Of course, I know that I am pregnant… it is a little obvious by the bulging tummy, swollen ankles, and all of those other lovely things that come with pregnancy. It honestly hasn’t hit me until today though how soon this baby is going to be here! My other kids were 2-3 weeks early, so there is a distinct possibility that our newest addition could be here in a months time.

We got rid of everything baby and maternity related after Ella was born because we honestly thought we were done having kids. Now that this little blessing has come into our life, we are basically starting over in the baby department.

I was thinking back to everything we registered for when I was first pregnant with Jacob, my now 7 year old. We had everything, from the wipes warmer to the diaper genie (sooooo gross!!) to the little blanket that had velcro and burrito swaddled the baby for you. The first time we used the wipes warmer, we noticed a burning smell coming from his room. The wipes warmer warmed a little too much and our wipes were dry and burnt. From that point on, the poor little bambino had to have cold wipes on his bum… and guess what? He survived.

Little Leah Katherine is going to have to get by with the bare minimum. I’m thinking at the very least a car seat. Maybe some clothes and a bassinet, although a really cushioned laundry basket might do the trick (Kidding!).

I am getting prepared in the food department, which seems to be a fairly common theme for me (remember vacation preparation?). Tonight I ended up making a triple batch of these Calzones. Took one batch to my friend, served one batch to my family, and freezed a batch for after the baby is born. I have double batched a couple of other meals to have on hand once our world is rocked with the arrival of baby number four.

If you have any great freezer meals, would you send the recipes my way? Also, what do you think is absolutely essential to have when baby comes home? I would love to know what product you couldn’t live without when it comes to your little ones.

Calzones can be so versatile. Here are some other combinations food bloggers love:

Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (2)

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Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones

Tex-Mex Calzones (from March 2009 Issue of Cooking Light Magazine)

Author Dine & Dish


  • 8 ounces ground turkey breast
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper
  • 3/4 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder I also added 1/4 of a packet of Chili Seasoning to give it a bit more flavor
  • 2 garlic cloves minced
  • 1/2 cup fat-free fire-roasted salsa verde
  • 1 11-ounce can refrigerated thin-crust pizza dough
  • 3/4 cup 3 ounces preshredded Mexican blend cheese
  • Cooking spray
  • Salt to taste


  • Preheat oven to 425°.

  • Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add ground turkey to pan; cook 3 minutes, stirring to crumble. Add onion and next 5 ingredients (through garlic) to pan; cook 4 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender, stirring mixture occasionally. Remove turkey mixture from heat; stir in salsa.

  • Unroll dough; divide into 4 equal portions. Roll each portion into a 6 x 4–inch rectangle. Working with one rectangle at a time, spoon about 1/2 cup turkey mixture on one side of dough. Top with 3 tablespoons cheese; fold dough over turkey mixture, and press edges together with a fork to seal. Place on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Repeat procedure with remaining dough and turkey mixture. Bake at 425° for 12 minutes or until browned. Serve with sour cream.

Reader Interactions


  1. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (3)Amy Korn-Reavis says

    The recipe looks wonderful and I am going to make it next week when I cook for the week.
    Congratualtions on the baby. I am sure you are very excited and a bit busy getting ready

    Amy Korn-Reaviss last blog post..Is Home Sleep Testing For Me?

  2. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (5)Jennifer Mullinax says

    Yummy recipe!! With Sophia I couldn’t live without my hotsling. She lived in it for the first three months of her life. It was so important for me to keep her close while still have free hands for the other three!! I still have mine and would be happy to let you borrow it!! We also loved out bouncy seat. Can’t wait to meet little Leah!!

    Jennifer Mullinaxs last blog post..365 Blog…

  3. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (6)Diana says

    I’m so excited for you! I know you’ve made the Cooking Light Chicken Chilaquiles before, they freeze well (before baking). Also taco soup is so simple in the crockpot, other than browning the meat with an onion it’s dumping in cans. It freezes well too. Lasagna is great to store in the freezer before cooking, and soups and stews usually store well, I think I always have some beef stew in the freezer. Let me know if you need more I have lots of recipes!

    Dianas last blog post..Picky Eaters

  4. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (7)Kathy - Panini Happy says

    Kristen, I’m getting so excited for you! Don’t worry at all about little Leah Katherine having just the bare minimum when it comes to baby gear – just think of what our moms used for us (I think my dad made me a wooden bench or something in the back of their Karman Ghia!). Anyway, there is one useful new gadget you might take a look at – I found it a real lifesaver, especially if you’re breastfeeding. It’s called the Itzbeen – basically like a really robust stopwatch. It keeps track of how long it’s been since the last feeding, diaper change, nap or whatever else you need to track. My mommy brain could never keep that stuff straight so it was an indispensable tool!

    Kathy – Panini Happys last blog post..Grilled Asparagus & Prosciutto Panini

  5. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (8)Janet says

    Wow, 7 weeks! How exciting! I can so relate to this- my kids are 24, 18, 12, and 2!

    I couldn’t live without my favorite second hand store- it’s been a financial lifesaver!

    But really, items I couldn’t live without are Costco brand baby wipes- the best!

    Balmex diaper ointment (they have a coupon, too!

    VentAire bottles- LOVE them!:

    Consumer Reports baby safety info!

    Wish I had known about these diapers all my friends are using!:

    My friends new baby business blog:

    I have many, many, more resources that I will email (and recipes too!), but my one huge, huge, lifesaver has been Stroller Strides, my mommies exercise group- it’s how I stay sane!!

    Blessings my friend! Janet

    Janets last blog post..Gorgonzola and Butternut Squash Pizza

  6. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (10)LyB says

    What a beautiful name you’ve chosen! There are so many things I didn’t use for my third baby, it was so different than with my first! We do tend to be able to get by with the bare essentials, I guess we get more organized with time.

    One thing I couldn’t live without is my jogger stoller. I’ve had it since 2000 (it’s similar to the one in this link: ) and after 3 kids it’s pretty much on its last leg, but I’ve used it in every season, including winter, and it’s just fantastic. Now, don’t go thinking that I’m a jogger though, I just like to take walks, that’s all. 🙂

    Those calzones sound like a great meal to have in the freezer, I’ll put them on my to try list.

    LyBs last blog post..TWD – Raspberry-Lime Crumb Cake

  7. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (11)lululu says

    i remember when my boy came 3 wks earlier, we were totally out of control cos we didnt prepare really well. now u even hv your food prepared!!!!

    maybe u can check out my meatballs recipe, they freeze really well too!!!


    lululus last blog post..Spaghetti and Meatballs

  8. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (12)Laura says

    I felt this way before all of my kids–pregnancy is a huge change, but noting compared to the change brought about by a few hours (or days–I hope not) of labor. It is a thoroughly weird feeling. 🙂

    ALL of the tortilla casserole recipes on my website freeze really well. Actually I think all casseroles probably freeze well, but those, and another I have not posted yet, I have the most experience with.

    Lauras last blog post..Laura’s Version Of Susan’s Whole Grain Cottage Cheese Bread

  9. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (13)Nicole says

    You don’t need much! Especially in the beginning. I used only half the stuff and hey! My mom DID sleep in a drawer for her first month or so of life!

    I put my son in a Moses basket I had for the first few weeks even though I had a gorgeous cradle. It was just easy and my husband left town a couple days after he was born so I kept the basket on my bed. It was rather nice. Now he is THREE as of yesterday!

    Nicoles last blog post..You’re Invited! An Open House Extravaganza!

  10. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (15)Ben says

    Since I am never having kids I can only imagine how the realization of bringing a new life to the world must be. Congratulations and great recipe! I love the combination of flavors (of course 😀 )

    Bens last blog post..Whole-wheat quesadillas

  11. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (16)marguerite says

    Those would be very popular in my house!!

    And I LOVE the name Leah =)

    marguerites last blog post..Fluffy Pancakes

  12. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (17)Pat Wogan says

    You already have the one thing absolutely necessary and that is lots of love to give. Leah Katherine is fortunate to be born into your family. A big brother and two helpful sisters. A Mom and Dad who are already great and experienced parents. And Grandparents who are so excited about her arrival.

  13. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (18)Charisse says

    This looks delicious. I want to make it when I get home. I came to your site via

    As for things I ABSOLUTELY could NOT do without when I brought my beautiful baby home…I would say my cloth diapers – the kissaluvs – the sling so that I could keep her by me all the time, Lanolin for ME because she had a latch-on problem, her swing, her bouncy seat.

    Charisses last blog post..Weekend with [HIS] family

  14. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (19)Aimee says

    So exciting and what a lovely name you have picked out!
    When my brain is working better I’ll send a favorite freezer friendly recipe your way.

    Aimees last blog post..Sugaring Off Part II and Rustic Maple Pie

  15. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (20)Karen says

    One day it just hits you, doesn’t it? LOL Yup, there’s really going to be an addition to the house! Isn’t it amazing how little babies really need vesus how much “stuff” they get? Enjoy 🙂

    Karens last blog post..Flattened Chicken with Herbs & Sticky Lemon

  16. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (21)Susan at Sticky,Gooey,Creamy,Chewy says

    I am so excited for you, Kristen! I can only imagine how nice it would be to have another beautiful little baby around.

    It has been quite a long time for me, but the one thing that saved my life when my daughter was a baby, was her wind up baby swing. She was happy in there for hours at a time and it gave me time to get things done around the house. Whenever she was fussy, we just popped her in the swing and she’d be fast asleep in no time.

    Susan at Sticky,Gooey,Creamy,Chewys last blog post..Rest in Peace, Sweet Maria

  17. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (22)Laura says

    The itzbeen timer (mental life saver) and the bjorn (or any carrier). I love them both and couldnt do without them! (Well, ok, I could, but I wouldnt want to)

    My favorite freezer friendly breakfast muffins (and kids love them):

    Bran Flax muffins
    1 1/2 cups unbleached white flour
    3/4 cup flaxseed meal
    3/4 cup oat bran (I use muesli cereal)
    1 cup brown sugar
    2 tsp baking soda
    1 ts baking powder
    1/2 tsp salt
    2tsp cinnamon
    1 1/2 cups carrots, shredded
    2 apples, peeled and shredded
    1/2 cup craisins
    1 cup nuts, chopped
    3/4 cup milk
    2 eggs, beaten
    1 tsp vanilla

    mix together flour, flax seed meal, oat bran, brown sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon in a large bowl. Stir in carrots, apples, craisins and nuts.

    Combine milk, beaten eggs and vanilla.

    Pour liquid ingredients into dry ingredients. Stir until ingredients are moistened. Do not over mix.

    Fill muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake at 350 F for 15-20 minutes. Yields 15 medium muffins.

  18. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (23)Lucy says

    Kristen, I loved this post! Brought back so many memories! 🙂 My oldest is also 7 -I remember researching every baby product to death and making sure we had all the ‘proper’ things. I had a Avent bottle sterilizer and I was so neurotic about it, I would sterilize the bottles several times to make sure they were sterile as can be! :)Cracks me up to think about it now. Anyway, love the name you’ve picked! I would say if I had to pick one absolute necessity, it would be the bouncy seat!

  19. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (24)The Duo Dishes says

    We didn’t know you were pregnant, so this was a fun read. 🙂 Wish we had tips, but we’re kidless. Oh well. We’d think frozen casseroles, calzones/empanadas, pancakes (they freeze and reheat so well!), cookies dough, lasagnas and breads may be a good start for your list. But do you really have time and patience to cook all of that right now…?

    The Duo Dishess last blog post..We Told You So

  20. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (25)Hélène says

    7 weeks, time flies. This is so exciting. Those look great.

    Hélènes last blog post..Awards!

  21. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (26)Sandie says

    “Denial’s not just a river in Egypt…” lol (quote from Stuart Smalley). I can’t believe the baby is coming that soon. My how time flies! We’ve got some nice baby things around if you’re in the market. Just let me know (otherwise, they are hitting the garage sale this summer).

    Sandies last blog post..Moist and Hearty Muffins That Taste Great (Recipe: Banana Walnut-Oat Muffins)

  22. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (28)Bunny says

    I made cheese steak stromboli the other night for dinner the family loved it, I’ll have to try the calzone recipe too! I’m wayyyyy past the baby stage honey, I’m a gramma now and lovin every minute of it. I remember making my own formula for my daughter (she’s 31 now) cause she was allergic to the one the doctor said to use. I got the recipe from my mom, it was Karo , canned milk and water she was able to keep that down. No wipies back then, we used warm wash clothes at diaper time.

    Bunnys last blog post..Cat Cora’s Greek Stewed Cinnamon Chicken and Bananas and Cream Bundt Cake w/ Brown Butter Glaze

  23. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (29)Jordan says

    I saw the picture and I didn’t expect it to be from Cooking Light!! I’ll have to try them! 🙂

    Jordans last blog post..CALORIES

  24. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (31)Biz says

    Ha, too funny that now it hits you the baby is on the way!

    Love the recipe – I must have missed that issue!

    Bizs last blog post..BSI – Eggs!

  25. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (32)Cynthia says

    Kristen, just in case you have not heard this in a while – you are one heck of a mom, wife and friend. Congratulations to you and the entire family for the little addition you are about to have.

    May fair winds always blow your way.

    Cynthias last blog post..A Trying Time in the Kitchen – Pt. 2 The Reveal

  26. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (34)Sheila says

    My DIL & her twin have had 4 kids in the past three years. They both swear by the Ultimate Crib Sheet from Babies-R-Us.

    For freezer cooking, I went through a self-initiation last Fall. I checked out of the library the books recommended by others and decided what I couldn’t live without. These are my faves and all have lots of excellent choices and ways to change things up, without feeling I have to cook for an entire month to get what I want. The great thing about freezer cooking is that it will take you through the kids growing up and beyond. I live alone and just have to rethink some of the recipes. Pretty soon you’ll just be making an extra dish of whatever’s for dinner and throwing it in the freezer.

    Make a Mix-(Eliason, et al.) -great ways for making and storing various mixes and different recipes to use them; (love their Pinto Bean Mix for refried beans!)

    Dinner’s in the Freezer-(Martinez, et al.) -toss-up for first place; I love that she provided multiple yields depending on how many you’re cooking for

    You’ve Got It Made- (Philips)
    Super Suppers-(Byrd)

    Another thing you might try, which is what got me started on home freezer cooking, is an experience at Super Suppers or SupperThyme or any of the ’feed-the-freezer’ franchises. Or look online at their monthly menu options and find similar recipes online. You’ll realize it’s easier and cheaper to do at home. Search freezer cooking–ultimately it depends on what your family likes.

    King Ranch Casserole
    Buttermilk Chicken
    South of the Border Vegetarian Bake
    (I’m having issues with your contact page… sorry for the length here)

  27. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (35)Deelish Dish says

    Congratulations! How do you even have the energy to do what you do?! Crazy. Those calzones look amazing about now…

  28. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (36)Shalee says

    7 weeks left?! Holy cow! That means that it’s been forever since we’ve had coffee. We’ve got to remedy that before you’re too tired to get out.

    Shalees last blog post..Since I’m Being Judged Anyway…

  29. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (37)Erika says

    If I had to strip it down to the bare-bones must-haves for a new baby… hands down would be the vibrating bouncy seat. That saved us so many times with both kids. With a bouncy seat, car seat, and a stroller, I think you would really have everything you need, and everything else would just be extra bonuses. Well, except the obvious, like diapers and whatnot. 😉

    Good luck getting everything done you want to over the next few weeks!

    Erikas last blog post..Hello, Breakfast!

  30. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (38)Lynda says

    The calzones look so good! I haven’t made any in years.
    You don’t have much time left to wait for the baby. Somehow, everything will fall into place!

    Lyndas last blog post..Revisiting Chicken and Corn Soup with Rivels

  31. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (39)Kevin says

    Those look tasty!

  32. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (40)caroline says

    That’s a gorgeous photo. I’ll try this recipe this week!

    Good luck preparing for the new little one!

  33. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (41)annie says

    This recipe looks great, and meets my “family friendly but not bland and icky” requirements. I laughed out loud about the wipe warmer – we pitched ours after I refused to use it because I was afraid of burning my son’s delicate tush.

  34. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (42)Tammy says

    Looks yummy! It’s been a long time since I picked up a Cooking Light magazine. I’ll have to revisit this old friend. Congratulations on your upcoming baby.
    For the first few weeks after the birth of my baby, I couldn’t have survived without a boppy pillow. It eased pain from c-section and helped with nursing.

  35. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (43)Pink Heels says

    I wonder if I could substitute the turkey with tofu and still produce a delicious calazone??? Or maybe a veggie calazone…is there such a thing?

    7 WEEKS!!! Wowsers! It is right around the corner! Hang in there! Pamper yourself everyday until the new baby arrives!

  36. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (44)EAT! says

    Good luck over the next few weeks. It will fly by. When we went from 2 to 3 kids, the dynamics changed. No longer could my husband and I each handle one kid. Now you will have to employ a “zone defense” when the kids are involved.

    The calzones are a great idea for your friend. so many people make a pasta dish and your idea is unique.

    EAT!s last blog post..French Silk Pie

  37. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (45)EAT! says

    Ooops! Just read that you already have 3 kids. I think it is time to hire another husband to help out! 🙂

    EAT!s last blog post..French Silk Pie

  38. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (46)Jamie says

    Wow! This seems to be food blogger’s having babies season. My kids got by on the bare minimum – we didn’t have the money and found that the bare minimum was all that any tiny baby needed (really, it is all for the mom, isn’t it?) A bed, a Moses basket (truly needed!), a changing table, the most simple one, and a pram then a stroller (again, not the fancy schmancy ones). Little onsies, comfortable zip-up jackets and slip-on tights or pants. That’s it!

    It is exciting, too, and congrats! We just visited our neighbor in the maternity clinic yesterday where we met 2-day-old Anita! Wonderful!

    Jamies last blog post..NUTTY AND SWEET FOR THE HOLIDAYS

  39. Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (47)tai chi chuan dvd says

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Mama Is In Denial (Recipe: Tex Mex Calzones) (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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