Tulare Advance-Register from Tulare, California (2024)

man 1 ADVANCE-REGISTER, Tulare, Thursday, March 1, 1984 News capsule The state Police to investigate sniper's case LOS ANGELES A police investigation will try to determine if other agencies should have been enlisted in the case of Tyrone Mitchell, who had apparent mental problems before opening fire into a crowded schoolyard. Bullets sprayed across the 49th Street Elementary School playground last Friday injured 13 people and killed 10-year-old Shala Eubanks, whose funeral was held Wednesday. Police Chief Daryl Gates said Wednesday the investigation would also include the circ*mstances surrounding the case of Larry Plummer, a former mental patient killed by police in January. CSEA members walk off jobs SACRAMENTO The 153 employees of the largest state union walked off their jobs today in a dispute over salary negotiations. Larry Bauman, spokesman for the Headquarters Staff Organization of the California State Employees Association, accused CSEA management of negotiating in bad faith.

CSEA is doing the same thing to us that the Deukmejian administration is doing to the CSEA. The CSEA is Bauman said. He said talks between the small HSO, which represents the employees of the statewide union, and the giant CSEA broke off shortly before midnight Wednesday. The nation Braniff Airlines back in the air DALLAS Braniff Airlines' first flight in almost two years took off for Newark, N.J., at dawn today and was followed moments later by the "official" first flight loaded with dignitaries, journalists and sentimental former employees. -I'm real thrilled about it," said former Braniff reservations clerk Lindie MacKenzie, who booked a seat on Flight 200 to New Orleans even though she was not one of the 2,200 former employees rehired by Braniff for its new trimmed-down operations.

Record cold hits South; East socked CLEVELAND Record cold stretched deep into Dixie but spared the Florida citrus crop today and Buffalo, N.Y., schools were closed for the third day while street crews worked 12-hour shifts to clear roads of more than 2 feet of snow. Cleveland braced for more snow even though the worst storm of the winter, blamed for 53 deaths nationwide, pushed into Canada. Snow showers continued from West Virginia and northeast Ohio into northwest Pennsylvania and much of New York, where 6 inches were forecast in the Finger Lakes region, and northern New England. The world Lebanese UNITED NATIONS the Soviet and American French effort to multinational forces nesday to approve established the U.N. throughout Lebanon.

Canada's OTTAWA, Canada Elliott Trudeau semi-retirement Canadians began for a successor to the served as prime 16 years. True to form the expected in an way, Trudeau, 64, his resignation a three-paragraph shunning the news ferences he barely through 16 years as Party leader. In his character as a prime minister said the decision to step Liberal Party leader a solitary midnight through a blizzard awaiting word from Gemayel A Soviet veto and a sharp exchange between ambassadors at the United Nations ended a have U.N. peace-keeping troops replace the in Beirut. The Security Council voted 13-2 Weda French draft resolution that would have force and appealed for an immediate cease-fire Pierre Pierre went into today and the watch man who minister for in doing unexpected announced Wednesday in letter, contolerated Liberal keeping with loner, the he made aside as while on walk Tuesday.

Trudeau steps down UPI telephoto Pierre Trudeau Obituary Billie Watts Marun and Services will be at 3 p.m. Friday at Livermore. Hamilton Peers-Lorentzen Funeral Oakland; a Chapel for Billie Carol Watts, 41. 2722 Livermore: W. Alpine who died Wednesday Harris, at an Oakland hospital.

Lancaster, Allie Mae Mrs. Watts was born in Ontario and grandchildren. lived most of her life in Tulare. She Burial will was a housewife. The Rev.

She is survived by her husband. Pat Missionary Watts. Tulare; three sons, Frankie ficiate. High school While drug use is on the rise, "alcohol is the number one prevalent drug of choice because of its availability, its price and they (teenagers) can get it easier." Mrs. Goettle said.

Also, "it's socially "If you say you're going to talk about it (alcoholism), people disappear into the Mrs. Goettle said. not a moral issue at all, it's an illness. us (the committee) tell you about the illness of alcoholism. Let us give you the information, and you make the decision," she said.

Nationwide, one out of every 10 people is an alcoholic, and national statistics state that 85 percent of incoming freshmen have tasted alcohol. "It's important to reach them (youngsters) at the junior high level, down to the fifth and sixth grades." Mike Wood, one of two science teachers at Cherry School, said that local junior high school students spend about five to six weeks on substance abuse education. The programs are incorporated into the science curriculum. "What we want them to find out is about the different drugs and how they affect the body and the mind." Wood said. "Our approach to the problem is not scare tactics.

It's an information approach. We want the kids educated so they can make the correct choices." The junior high school lessons also deal with the psychological side of substance abuse, such as peer pressure and self-image. Delay sought for hotel hearing By Julie Fernandez A staff reporter Developer William Meinhold wants the City Council to hold off for 90 days before considering condemnation of the Tulare Avenue Street corner, so be can firm up plans to build a minimail there. A public hearing on the proposed condemnation of the old Hotel Tulare site is scheduled for Tuesday, Meinhold appeared today before the Tulare Business Association, the retail branch of the Greater Tulare Chamber of Commerce, to outline his proposal for the corner. "To make the project successful," be told the large gathering, "we need the support of the business people downtown." Meinhold unveiled drawings for a two-story shopping office complex with underground parking and central courtyard.

"We're not going to put three savings and loans or two McDonald's on the corner," Meinhold said. The ground floor would consist of four buildings on the lower level, providing 16,000 square feet for retail businesses. An additional 10,000 square feet 1 of office space would be available on the top. City Council's attitude has been they'd like the private sector to develop this," City Manager W. Lynn Dredge told TBA members.

where we're not absolutely needed, we will not The City Council and the TBA have expressed strong concern that retail businesses go on the corner. The business community also has asked the city to take measures to ensure Officer injured in scuffle A Tulare police officer was injured Wednesday when he and a prisoner tumbled backward down a flight of stairs at the department. The I man has been charged with assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. Officer Mike Sprague fractured his wrist and ruptured a disc in his back after he and Daniel McDowell, 40, 236 No. L.

fell down the stairs leading to the department booking area. Sprague earlier had arrested MoDowell on charges of drunken driving, failure to stop for emergency lights and assault with a deadly weapon before the fall occurred about 7 p.m. According to police, McDowell, who uses crutches to walk after being wounded recently, was being helped up the stairs by Sprague when he turned and swung at the officer, striking him. Sprague fell back, officers said, and McDowell leaned back and fell on top of him. The two men landed on the stairs with Sprague on the bottom, his back taking the weight of the fall.

An ambulance was called to police headquarters, and the two men were taken COS Laving within those means has forced Hall and school staff to recommend the elimination of the vocational nursing program, the four sports and other programs as well as work schedule reductions. "I really didn't want to have any major cuts in programs or positions this year," said Hall, who pointed out that other state community college districts have taken more drastic measures. In January, Gov. George Deukmejian signed a bill providing $96.5 million in immediate financial aid to the state's community colleges. Highway tax is supposed to come back to the state and be allocated to the counties.

Over half that money has to be spent on interstate highways. Right away Tulare County doesn't receive any interstate money. The remaining is allocated based on Rogers said. "I am working th trying to get some changes in this preliminary plan. I'm going to work to try to change their assessment." With recent increases in federal and state gasoline taxes bringing in more money, the 1984 STIP is $1 billion to Tulare District Hospital.

Officers were called to the hospital to stop a scuffle between McDowell and emergency room attendants, officers said, when the prisoner refused 1 to allow doctors to examine! him. After McDowell was handcuffed to a gurney, doctors determined he was not injured. Police took him back to the department holding cell. But doctors admitted Sprague to the hospital, where he was listed in fair condition this morning. The incident began about 6:52 p.m., when police were called to the 300 block of North Sacramento Street in regard to a reckless driver.

When officers arrived, two cars were involved in a chase, which continued eastbound on Tulare Avenue at about 70 mph, according to police estimates. Several cars were run off the road. as was a small girl on a bicycle. One of the cars turned off the chase and went to the police station, and the other was stopped at Wilson School. McDowell was taken from the stopped car and arrested.

(continued from page 1) However, that was money he vetoed providing last year. In addition, a $50- per-student tuition fee will be in effect until 1987. That money will never be seen by COS, though, because it will be deducted from the school's base funding amount. hasn't been a great Hall said. -We're back where we were two years In the meantime, Deukmejian has recommended a 30 percent funding increase for the University of California system and a 21 percent increase for the California State University system next year.

(continued from page 1) larger than the one adopted last year. Approximately $7 billion will come from federal funds, with the state putting up $6.1 billion. Of the $13.1 billion outlay, $12.35 billion would go to design, build and repair highways. More than 10 percent of the total would be spent on a single project, the 17-mile Century Freeway in Los Angeles County. The plan proposes to spend nearly $1.4 billion on the freeway which is expected to be completed in 1991.

Visalia teachers get contract After months of dispute and negotiations with the Visalia Unified Teachers Association, the Visalia Unified School District board of trustees this morning approved a 7.13 percent increase in salaries and fringe benefits. The new three-year contract calls for a 4.2 percent salary increase this year for the district's teachers. This year's salary and health benefits package totals $1.24 million. The 45-member representative council for the teachers association ratified the package Wednesday af- continued from page 1) help is available from Al(there's even an Alatot the Alcohol Center for Bureau and high school are the Turning Point a support group for teenagers in crisis, and force. to be made aware of what said.

"If you get inliability. There's no free at Garden School and abuse committee, said that receive substance abuse textbooks as well as guest District is waiting to abuse book the Tulare plans to offer to all Mrs. Canby said. is putting together a Mrs. Canby said.

different ways, but think we're doing a good of education program and beyond" what the Mrs. Canby said. youngsters as early Mrs. Goettle. rents are reasonable.

The city failed in its attempt to purchase the property from Francis Sloane, Healdsburg, because of a disagreement over price. The City Council earlier had approved expenditure of a $156,000 Housing and Urban Development Community Block Grant on the project. City staff recommended condemnation proceedings after Sloan leased the land to Meinhold and after HUD warned them the $155,000 must be spent soon or lost. Dredge has said the city would cease condemnation action if it became convinced Meinhold's project is in the best interest of downtown. Meinhold told the TBA today he can't develop the corner without the city's help in paying for parking.

Dredge said if the city uses the grant money it have to control property upon which the parking is on." Jack Mathis of Mathis and Bolinger Furniture Co. appeared with Meinhold at the TBA meeting. The Denver developer's proposed project includes property owned by the Mathis family and situated between the old hotel site and the furniture store. (A May 1983 fire destroyed businesses on both sites.) Mathis explained his family is interested in Meinhold's project because it assures his business space in the future. The furniture store doesn't own all of the building it is in, and may someday have to reduce its operations if the space becomes unavailable to it.

TBA members bombarded Meinhold with questions regarding who would occupy his building and rental rates. NOW CERTAIN BACTERIA BACTERIOSTATIC BY AGENTS 4-R photo Mulcahy School's Gary Cruz demonstrates his Tulare Science Fair eighth-grade sweepstake entry. Area students take part in Tulare Science Fair Students from throughout Tulare and surrounding areas learned everything from Worms Find Hidden Food" to Miracle of Birth" this morning as they toured the annual Tulare Science Fair. Four sweepstakes winners were honored, displayed among the 650 projects from 1,100 fifth through eighth grade students who participated this year. The fair is sponsored by the Tulare Kiwanis Club.

Director Jim Wilson, math and science coordinator for the Tulare City School District, said the show is growing about 10 percent each year, forcing organizers to leave the fourth place projects at the schools this year. The others, including the eighth grade sweepstakes project by Gary Cruz from Mulcahy School, filled a building at the Tulare County Fairgrounds. The displays will be open to the public from 6 p.m. to 9 today. Cruz used a sterile environment to show what effect a antibiotics have on bacteria.

Seventh grade sweepstakes winner Piper Sharp, Buena Vista School, showed how the weather affected her horse. Among sixth graders, Julie Jackson, Garden School, took sweepstakes honors with her project on developing a new computer adventure game. Fifth grade sweepstakes winner Rhonda Bertao, St. Aloysius School, showed the development of a chicken egg. First-place winners and their schools were: Eighth grade Buena Vista Cindy Costa and Matthew Rogers.

Cherry School Tim Simonich, Melisa Guerrero, Eric Holmberg, Jason Williams, David Nunes and Scott Irvin. Mulcahy Ramon Moreno, Shawna Mills, Casey Kirby and Victoria Jacobo. Sundale Jenni Brown. Seventh grade St. Aloysius Anneke Cardoza and Anneke Wardell.

Buena Vista Michelle Hileman, Sheila Andrade and Monique du Plessis. Mulcahy Diane Martinho, Dara McGraw, Karri Pena and Wendy Taber. Sixth grade Garden Sean Limon, Adrian Holguin, Jason Asplund, Sarah Ser vadio. Lisa Valadao, Kristen Dutto, Maureen Johnson, Christian Beck, Chad Cameon, Doug, DeMuth and Traci Henderson. St.

Aloysius Lester Costa. John Leal and Chris Areno. Palo Verde Nichole Bibeiro and Diana Avila. Kohn Celeste Cuellar, Christy Hyl ton, Jennifer Amon, Maria Garcia, Todd Fernandes and Kelly Curry. Mulcahy Kevin Renteria.

Buena Vista Kristi Cardoza, Michael Benedetti and Shelly Faria. Fifth grade Garden Sandy Barker, Valerie Voss, Lance O'Neal, Deren Winn, Heather Woods, Kerry Morris, Deanna Rupard, Rebecca Goetz and Dorian Borba. Maple Steven Fuentes, Leonard Villareal, Sara Verissimo, John Richardson, Arthur Fernandez, Mitch ell Martines, Richard Hargis, Benjie Daniels, Janet Hays, Pamela Goolart, John Bernal and Aaron Jarrett. Palo Verde Christin Silveira. St.

Aloysius Christina Linares, Veronika Alves, Kim Whiteside, Timmy Fidler, Julie Lucio and Carlos Vejar. Kohn Shaylan Whipkey, Jenny Racadio, Heather Landon and Andy Flores. Roosevelt Ramon Gonzales and Angela Overacker. Wilson Antoine Threet, Ryan Smith, Richard Vellalba, Max Sanchez, Daniel Melendez, Kimberly Fierro, Brian Thomas, Robin Jarrett, Shova Xiong, Heather Wilbourn, Ben Chamness, Michael Gilmore, Christine Espindola, Rose Martinez, Doug Stone, Ena Vasquez, Bao Tso, Bill Riel, Ron Underwood, Tricia Bejarano, KaCee Smith and Laura Brown. Sundale Casey Landers and Joshua Fernandes.

Steven Stoner, both of and Herschel Stoner. daughter, Marlene Stoner, her mother. Lucille a sister. Glenda Tulare: a grandmother, Tulare: Denham, Hanford; and two be in Tulare Cemetery. John Rudd.

Pixley Baptist Church. will of- Mrs. Goettle pointed out Family Groups group in Tulare County), Teens, the Youth Service counselors. Also available Service in Visalia, Toughlove, parents who are coping with Chemical People" task "The kids generally have they're dealing with," Wood volved with drugs, you pay a trip with that stuff. Pam Canby, a teacher member of the substance 5th and 6th grade students education through health speakers.

The Tulare City Schools review copies of a substance County Department of Education the schools in the county, feel like our school district pretty good program already," "Teachers approach it in teachers do approach it. I job." The county department "would be something above local district already is doing, The importance of educating as possible was made clear by ternoon. The trustees held a special meeting this morning to ratify the contract. Six members of the seven-member board approved the contract. Trustee David Bockman, whose wife is a teacher in the district, abstained: from voting.

The contract also guarantees Visalia's 725 teachers a 3.5 percent salary increase each of the next two years, and increases in benefits. The 1983-86 contract will provide Visalia teachers with a pay raise retroactive to Feb. 1. "It may take 15 years for an adult male to become an alcoholic and adult woman two to six years," Mrs. Goettle said.

"It takes less than six months for a teenager to become addicted for the rest of his life. "When a child does it (drinks), they feel better. They don't realize alcohol is a depressant," Mrs. Goettle continued. "It's a downer.

When a child drinks, they get drunk and they don't hesitate to do it And, the reason teenages try alcohol recognition, peer pressure, family problems? "It's all those things, and not any one thing, Mrs. Goettle said. The important thing is that youngsters realize there's nothing wrong in asking for help. "It's not going to be an Mrs. Goettle said.

"People are there to help. In light of the recent drug busts, Tulare County authorities have increased efforts to deal with the drug and alcohol problem. Authorities hope to determine the extent of the problem through student teacher questionnaires, to establish community, "task and involve parents and to find the best method to eliminate or reduce the problem. Meanwhile, Kehrli reiterated the district's stand on the drug problem at the Tulare high schools. "I think it's our obligation as educators to try to impress on young people's minds the dangers," he said.

We need to keep working on it. purpose is simply this that if that kind of activity is going on on our campuses, it's unacceptable," Kehrli said. Could your child be a user? Parents concerned that their teenager may be abusing drugs or alcohol should ask themselves the following questions, according to Amos Clifford, program director at Turning Point Youth Service in Visalia. Has your teenager lost interest in activities that were once important to him, such as sports, clubs or church? Has he become withdrawn from the family, not wanting to participate in family activities and looking for excuses to be away from home? Has he taken on a appearance, hanging out with a "cooler" peer group of a different appearance and behavior? Have his grades gone down? Has he been telling more lies about various things? Has he had unexplained changes in mood or behavior, or changes in sleeping eating habits? (Teenagers on marijuana, for instance, will go on eating binges when high and then go to sleep a couple of hours later.) Other warning signs" are petty run-ins with the law or truancy from school, Clifford said. Parents may also find drug paraphernalia in the home, but if they don't that doesn't mean drugs aren't being used some teenagers can be on drugs for years, and the parents won't know about it, Clifford said.

What should parents do if they think their teenager is abusing drugs or alcohol? "I think one of the first steps, and most important steps, parents need to do is get involved about educating themselves," Clifford said. "It won't do to stick their heads in the Parents should "educate themselves before confronting the kid," he said. "It's a good idea to contact a counselor experienced in drug abuse to help decide how to approach the Clifford also stressed the need for prevention. "Don't wait until there's a problem," he said. Finally, Clifford said that "parents don't focus on the things they want to avoid.

They should focus on the things they want to promote instead. If they want him to have a healthy lifestyle, they have to figure out how to promote.

Tulare Advance-Register from Tulare, California (2024)


Tulare Advance-Register from Tulare, California? ›

Groceries cost less than the national average in Tulare County and with so many farms it's easy to purchase fresh produce. Transportation costs are less in Tulare County as well. We have limited traffic which means less money spent on gas as well. Free parks offer endless recreation opportunities.

Why is Tulare so cheap? ›

Groceries cost less than the national average in Tulare County and with so many farms it's easy to purchase fresh produce. Transportation costs are less in Tulare County as well. We have limited traffic which means less money spent on gas as well. Free parks offer endless recreation opportunities.

What is Tulare, California famous for? ›

Agriculture remains the lifeblood of the local economy and Tulare sits in the heart of some of the most productive farmland in the world. The strategic location makes Tulare very attractive to food processors and distributors because of the central location and abundant supply of locally grown products.

Is Tulare, CA a city or town? ›

Tulare city, California is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in California.

Where is Visalia Times Delta? ›

Visalia Times Delta, 330 N West St, Visalia, CA 93291, US - MapQuest. Learn more about our mobile apps.

Why does Tulare smell? ›

Tulare County is often associated with the smell of cow manure. Dairies can be found in nearly every region of the county, giving off a particularly pungent odor.

What is the crime rate in Tulare County? ›

Between 2013-2022 Tulare County had a rate of 38.2 violent crimes per 1,000. Between 2013-2022 Tulare County had a total of 18,078 violent crimes, 350 homicides, 1668 rapes, 3605 robberies and 12,455 aggravated assaults. The violent crime rate in Tulare County was also below the state average of 43.6 per 1,000.

What is the ethnicity of Tulare CA? ›

In 2022, there were 1.04 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (19.6k people) in Tulare, CA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 18.8k White (Hispanic) and 12.4k Other (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups. 63% of the people in Tulare, CA are hispanic (43.6k people).

Is Tulare a good place to live? ›

Escape The Big City For The Small Town Charm

Tulare County is known for its low cost of living, inexpensive land, proximity to the central coast and mountains, and family-friendly communities that are a great place to raise a family. No matter where you live in Tulare County, you can enjoy all the region offers.

What does the name Tulare mean in English? ›

The English name Tulare derives ultimately from Classical Nahuatl tōllin, "sedge" or "reeds", by way of Spanish tule, which also exists in English as a loanword. The name is cognate with Tula, Tultepec, and Tultitlán de Mariano Escobedo.

What is the poverty rate in Tulare County CA? ›

18.5% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Tulare County, CA (86.4k out of 468k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 25 - 34, followed by Males 6 - 11 and then Females 6 - 11.

How much does it cost to live in Tulare CA? ›

The total cost of housing, food, child care, transportation, health care, taxes, and other necessities for a single adult in Tulare is $35,337 a year — less than the annual cost of living for California of $45,534 and less than the national figure of $38,433.

What is the biggest city in Tulare County? ›

Visalia, CA

Is Visalia getting a Sam's Club? ›

The coming of Sam's Club to Visalia is big news considering the Walmart-owned club store will now rival Costco just down the block who is building a second location at Riggin and Shirk in Northwest Visalia. Both follow a membership format to shop there.

Where are Delta hubs at? ›

Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Key Hubs and Markets: Amsterdam, Atlanta, Bogota, Boston, Detroit, Lima, London-Heathrow, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Minneapolis-St. Paul, New York-JFK and LaGuardia, Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Salt Lake City, Santiago (Chile), Sao Paulo, Seattle, Seoul-Incheon and Tokyo.

Where is the delta located in California? ›

The Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta region encompasses over 1,200 miles of waterways, located between Sacramento on the north and Stockton to the south. It is the largest estuary on the US Pacific Coast. The larger rivers feeding the Delta are the Sacramento and the San Joaquin River.

Is Tulare CA a good place to live? ›

Escape The Big City For The Small Town Charm

Tulare County is known for its low cost of living, inexpensive land, proximity to the central coast and mountains, and family-friendly communities that are a great place to raise a family. No matter where you live in Tulare County, you can enjoy all the region offers.

Is Tulare worth visiting? ›

Centrally located within the heart of the Central Valley, Tulare County is situated in a delightful and geographically diverse region. There are a variety of opportunities for all-season outdoor recreation such as camping, hiking, water and snow skiing, fishing, and boating.


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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